Snuff movie?

I have seen this film moment ago and I liked but...
Can somebody explain me one thing? All orcas in this movie look very relistic and probably they are live. But scene when orca's family is killed is very realistic too. I'm affraid those animals was really killed before camera. Could it be hipocrisy of makers? After all this movie sends ecological message to us.


No killer whales were harmed in the making of this movie. I believe they actually captured a blue whale, painted it black and white, and filmed it from far away to make it look smaller. They totally killed that whale, however.
The whale fetus was played Charlton Heston and he survived without injury.


heh. It was all props for the violent stuff. Just rather good props. This is a D'Laurentis flick after all.

In Tentacles though the octopus was indeed brutally annoyed by orca-like sock puppets. The octopus is still undergoing yearly therapy for this... Probaly sits in the waiting room with the horse painted like a Zebra for Sheena, and the tiger painted black for Beast Master, Daushunds dressed up as giant rats for Deadly Eyes, and numerous German shepherds and Huskies either painted black or just told they were wolves and to go with it... Who are forming a group therapy session with all the iguanas and caimans who were dressed up and told they were T-rexes.

The rest were not available for commentary.

Heston in fact played the harpoon cannon because hes just that damn tough. But was miscast in the credits as the fetus who was actually played by D'laurentis who had to have his cameo somewhere yah know.


PS (The first part is true. The middle all taken from actual movie uses of animals. And the last is pure fabrication... HONEST! heh-heh-heh...)


First of all, no, they were not live whales. And second, it's really, really hard to get away with actually killing animals for the sake of a movie. You can ask Ruggero Deodato about that one.
Salva nos stella maris et regina celorum


actually, Mr Heston played Bo Derek's leg cast, such was the blokes' protectiveness and hardness...and looking at Miss derek in that film, it was all hardness!!!


Any scene involving injuring the orca used animatronics. There was stock footage of real orcas named Nepo and Yaka, but no real orcas were harmed.


All of the Orcas that appeared to die in the movie were actually vinyl orca-shaped balloons (stuffed with shredded killer whales from the nearby Japanese fishing boats).



I thought the same thing, but the whales used in the violent scenes are all just special effects. Damn good effects thought; they fooled us!


Seriously, or are you trolling? Try doing some research. No, there was no actual killing of animals.

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