MovieChat Forums > Orca (1977) Discussion > I found this scene funny.

I found this scene funny.

I found the scene at the start of the movie funny where there is a woman scuba diving in her black scuba gear and she see's a shark. Nothing funny yet but then she decides to squeeze herself inbetween some rocks that shes diving near. Lucky shes wearing a full wetsuit to protect her from cuts and scratches from the rocks. Just as shes starting to look funny she becomes hillarious as she starts to place rocks onto the top of her head. LOL. However the rock that she's trying to hide her head with gets dropped so she bolts to the surface.



Yah, I'm watching it right now, and it gives me the distinct impression of a Tax dodge. It was entertaining enough when I last saw it on TV in the early '80's as a rugrat, but it's not aged well, has it? Not IMO, anyway. It's atrociously scripted, average cinematography from Ted Moore, who did much better in the early Bond franchise, and the dialogue was so shocking ("You revengeful sonovab**ch! You win!")) I was actually rooting for the whale this time around. And the special effects...cripes. That whale foetus looked like a big peanut!
Poor Richard Harris, so good in This Sporting Life, ends up in this cheesy spaghetti horror flick. Well, at least he had a much better part in Ridley Scott's Gladiator. And need I speak of Bo Derek's, um, efforts?
Christ on a bike...I want those 90 mins of my life back, Mr. DeLaurentiis!


Sheesh. Sharks doing double-takes, scubadiving chicks hiding under rocks. This film is a wellspring of comedy, for all the wrong reasons.


"Well, at least he had a much better part in Ridley Scott's Gladiator. And need I speak of Bo Derek's, um, efforts?"

You are referring to Oliver Reed. Not Richard Harris.


I'm pretty sure it's Richard 'Dumbledork' Harris in Orca, and Oliver `Burnt Offerings` Reed in Gladiator, although Dumbledork does a good turn in the latter reprising his role in Orca as a half-drunken-Irishman down on his luck (and I thought the Antonines were from Cordoba, not Killarney... silly me). Both boozy brits have since paid for sins committed on this earth. Requiescat in pace, omnes.



She was trying to hide. Very insensitive to find this scene funny.

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