MovieChat Forums > Orca (1977) Discussion > Orca's know revenge and DO mate for live...

Orca's know revenge and DO mate for live!

I read a lot of books about Orca, studied them for years. And all I've learned from these books is that Orca's DO know revenge and they DO mate for live.


They don't mate for life.



Do they also have advanced knowledge of gasoline and it's effect on spreading fire?


Not that I know of.
Off course that part was just film. ;-)


Those who have been in contact with gasoline fires could be able to associate the scent with fire... couldn't they?

Made You Look


Can whales smell? I always thought the nose had become just a breathing device.


Regarding mating, I always thought there were less males than females in the group, so how could they mate for life?


Yeah. There are more females than males. So no, they don't mate for life.

"Because females can live for up to ninety years, it is not uncommon for four or even five generations to travel together. These matrilineal groups are highly stable. Individuals split off from their matrilineal group only for up to a few hours at a time, in order to mate or forage. No permanent casting-out of an individual from a matriline has ever been recorded."

And as far as smelling.. I do believe they 'taste', rather then smell. But really, its about the same. Ever notice when your nose is stuffed, you cant taste as well?


Unless you mean mating for life with several females, like polygamy.


The scene you are referring to did not indicate any such thing. The whale simply was trying to destroy property and it happened to be a gasoline pipe. The spreading gasoline started a fire.

"Do All Things For God's Glory"-1 Corinthians 10:31
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Do they see humans as almost "retarded"?

God Hates Fangs!


Do they see humans as almost "retarded"?

No. Unfortunately, whales don't have access to IMDB.
Click here to read my scripts!


The film is loaded with fictions concerning marine mammals and orcas, simply to propel and validate its storyline. The next 'Jaws' movie that came out ascribed the exact same emotional and intellectual processes to killer sharks as a means of validating its storyline. Stories about sea creatures seeking revenge are as old as the Flood, and are merely an example of Man exporting his value systems to the High Seas in an attempt to explain a foreign environment; these include ancient moral codes, and ideas about marriage.


It used to be believed that orcas did mate for life(monogamous), but we now know they do not. As for the revenge part, there was a report dealing with a female whose calf had been killed. The people in the boat were afraid the mother would kill them. She followed them for a long time.

"Do All Things For God's Glory"-1 Corinthians 10:31
I try doing this with my posts
