Is it realistic?

I haven't seen this film, so I'm not too sure what exactly the whale behaves like in the film.
But is it realistic for an orca to do what it does in this film, considering how intelligent whales are?


It's not realistic at all so don't go in expecting some kind of inteliigent and sympathetic look at orca culture
I'll give you an example. To lure Richard Harris and his crew to the icy depths Orca actually lifts a fin out of the water and beckons them on with it, in a waving fashion that says "follow me, this way!"
Yes, it's THAT bad.

"This is Tony Pine... he's epileptic"


Hahahahahaha the sheer stupidity makes me wanna watch it even more!!!!



U bet I will!


The whale wanted them to follow it. That is why it did what it did. That is a part of the story. It does not make the movie bad.

"Do All Things For God's Glory"-1 Corinthians 10:31
I try doing this with my posts


The movie Survive The Savage Seas?



If you have not watched the film and are not sure of how the whale behaves in it, how can you ask what you are asking? Watch the film and judge for yourself.

"Do All Things For God's Glory"-1 Corinthians 10:31
I try doing this with my posts
