Does anybody know when this is going to be out on DVD.


I wonder that myself. I really enjoyed this movie when it came out and it has some good acting. I am also a college basketball junkie. I think I also saw it on TV a couple times. I noticed it is not available on Netflix so presumed there was no DVD but I find it quite surprising.


The DVD was released a year ago or so at WARNER ARCHIVES for under $20


I remeber seeing this movie back in the original days of HBO. I would love to add it to my collection of top sports movies on DVD.


Want it on DVD? Sign my online petition:




Another decent movie that might never make it to DVD. WTF?

I don't get it.


Warner Bros is really good about listening to customer requests and releasing classic films on DVD. We should all email them and let them know this title is in demand!

"That is the whitest white part of the eye I have ever seen; do you floss?"


I'd be happy enough just to get a copy, even on VHS, if I could pick it up for $10 or so. I'm not ready to pay $25 yet.

I did end up buying a tape, for around $20 - and burned a DVD.

If nothing else, I hope that a DVD comes out so that all those vultures trying sell their VHS for $50-100, get nothing.


you still looking for the movie one on one


i have a dvd copy


Damn. Now my overpriced VHS is probably worthless.
