Lady Gaga as Francine

If they did a remake, I can totally see Lady Gaga playing the role of Francine. I never noticed the resemblance between Lady Gaga and a young Liza Minnelli until I saw this movie.


This so-called Gaga would have to learn to sing first. And develop a modicum of personality and charisma in place of her vapid, manufactured persona.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


That is what we call 'obvious casting'.

'Hey, you know what would be great? If we just got people who look exactly like the people who were in the original.'

'I like the way you think. Here's two hundred million dollars.'

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


I could see Lady Gaga as Francine. And if they do a remake, I hope they hire a scriptwriter this time.


I noticed some of the same mannerism.
