want to watch it???

It's here:
hope it works =D

"Regrets?: Creating The PETA Founders"

~ God on PETA


You are My GOD!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's great you are sharing this with others. Especially since it is so hard to come by... but, how legal is it? Is it fine if you just keep it hush hush? Will there come a day when rare movies like this will no longer be found on youtube?


It's true that it may soon be taken down from youtube, but that's also why you can find free and legal programs that can convert and save videos to your computer.
Sometimes, it's the only way to save something you love.


Here is the link to "The Mouse and His Child" on YouTube:

This video will probably get pulled soon, so get it while you can!

If you want to save the movie, go to a site called KeepVid here:
http://keepvid.com/, and paste the above url of the movie into the box, then select, "YouTube" out of the droplist to the right. Now, click "download", and a link will appear. Choose, "Save", but BE SURE to change the "type of file" to "all files" before you click save, or all you'll get is a useless html document. You can name the file whatever you want, just make sure to give it the ".flv" file extenstion at the end of the name.

I hope this helps!
