The script ...

... is certainly one of the most ludicrous ones I have ever come across.

WARNING: Spoilers ahead !!!!!

- They try to conceal a crime that hasn't even been committed (since it was a suicide).

- The evidence against the (innocent) girl is flimsy, if not non-existent (but for dramatic reasons she has to go to prison).

- Her lover (Montand) develops a "devilish" long-term plan: He destroys his perfect alibi by manipulating all kinds of silly devices (the clock, the typewriter), hoping that somehow the police will find them (which - to be honest - is not really to be expected) and will identify him as the "killer".

- The police find them for dramatic purposes, draw the right wrong conclusions and set the girl free.

- He flees to Canada and devises an even more evil plan - faking his own death by killing 2 truck drivers and then faking his own death.

- This of course - finally - goes awfully wrong for all the wrong reasons and he gets what he deserves ... But what did he deserve ? As said above: THERE WAS NO CRIME that had to be concealed.

- And: The whole plan was to be performed over a period of more than one year.

Come on - give me a break. There is only a certain amount of suspension of disbelief, after that is gets plain silly.

Who would write such a script and why did these excellent actors perform in it? An absolute stinker. The first 30 minutes are bearable, the next 30 minutes you wonder what his plan might be and the last forty minutes ruin everything when you realize, how stupid the whole concept is.

Sorry for my rant - but it is one of the most atrocious scripts I have ever come across.

