Does Rabbit Seem Girly?

Does Rabbit seem feminine to you? I read that some thought he was female because he owns a garden and has a womanly sounding voice (although his voice was actually done by a man).



No,he's just Rabbit...I don't think he seems feminine at all!
He's just very personal on his garden and's normal.


i never thought he was girly, i just thought he was mean. actually, i think he was the reason i first said the word "jerk" and got sent to the corner.



"Hey man! That was a two hundred dollar shirt!!" ~Wanna Score Boy~ (Lucas Grabeel)


Rabbit's voice is rather androgynous I think. When I was a young lad I puzzled over his gender.

i think he was the reason i first said the word "jerk" and got sent to the corner.

I hope you'll kindly tolerate my amusement at your childhood misfortune, that is hilarious. It reminds me of my 4th birthday party at a science center, where a robot tried to get me to play musical chairs with my friends. I hated those sorts of games, so I called him a jerk and punched him -- right in the monitor on his chest. I got in trouble, but only after the birthday party.

Violent use brings violent plans.


when i was little i always thought Rabbit was supposed to be a girl cos of the voice


He sounds like an oldf lady.

Why should I care? It wasn't me who got killed.


In Denmark his name is Ninka Ninus, which both are normal rabbit names. But, Ninka is also a girls name, MY name. Its definitely not a name you hear often, in Denmark, but it is a girls name.


When i was little I always thought rabbit was a woman. I from Sweden and the voice of rabbit hered also sounds female-ish.


Well it seems to be pretty common even Tom Kenny who is Rabbit in the new film thought he was a girl as a kid. It makes sense though for there to only be boy toys (aside from Kanga) in the the stories however since unless CR had a sister he would likely pretend they were all boys.


I always just thought Rabbit was a persnickety, crotchety old man and thought his voice conveyed this. Gardening was not considered girly in the past. Growing food to provide for the household's consumption was a man's job.


Yeah. The other day I brought up that new Winnie the Pooh show that doesn't have Christopher Robin and asked why. My brother answerd in his clint eastwood voice "Because he left us to fend by ourselves and deal with Heffleumps and Woozels by ourselves. Get out of my Garden!"

Slimer! That was my clean uniform!" Winston Real Ghostbusters Episode Lost and foundry


Wow I'm not the only one. Thought Rabbit was a girl when I was younger...

Ha ha! Made you look!


I always thought rabbit was a woman as well. He doesn't seem exactly girly, in the usual sense, but his voice just sounds old-womanish, and I assumed that's what he must be.
