Read book after and I was surprised how key things were changed. Well, I guess that does happen but biggest shocker was how nasty and contemptuous was to her sister when in the movie she adores her. Also, they say the book is a lot more faithful to who she was in real life- she had a mean side that liked to provoke presumably to get the mistreatment she felt she deserved.


The book was so good. It has remained a favorite of mine for years while the movie was pretty sorry imo.


I guess having seen the film several times over the decades before I finally read the novel, I didn't feel cheated by the film. But as with many books adapted to the big screen, the movie takes some shortcuts with the story and simplifies the characters a bit.

I still think the movie stands on its own for its solid performances and unflinching portrayal of loneliness, addiction and obsession.


Addiction? There was drug use, but addiction wasn't really portrayed.


The book is absolutely fantastic. Terry is somewhat of a bitch in the book...we don't have a ton of feeling for her. That just wouldn't play well in a movie for our 'heroine' to be a mean girl.

Dammit Carol Sue, where is the vodka?!
