Sequel weirdness...

I was browsing through the US copyright database, and found this record:

Type of Work: Dramatic Work and Music; or Choreography
Registration Number / Date: PAu003021992 / 2006-05-26
Title: The coockoo [sic] clocks of hell : Last house on Dead end street 2.
Notes: Screenplay.
Copyright Claimant: Andrew Copp
Date of Creation: 2006
Rights and Permissions: Rights & permissions info. on original appl. in C.O.
Copyright Note: Cataloged from appl. only.

Other Title: Last house on Dead end street 2
The cuckoo clocks of hell : last house on Dead end street 2
Names: Copp, Andrew

Interesting, eh? The writer, Andrew Copp, is probably best "known" for writing and directing 'Mutilation Man'. He's also listed as having done some makeup work on Jim van Bebber's 'Manson Family'.

This was nearly two years ago. The utter silence regarding this application probably indicates that no real production wotk has been done. The script might not have even been written. To me, it seems that this was commissioned due to the popularity of the Barrel release of LHoDES in 2002.

My apologies if this has been posted elsewhere on this board.

I wonder if Roger Watkins or Jim van Bebber had a hand in this at some point...


Yep. The script exists. There is a long, drawn out, involved production history, as there often is with movies that "almost' happened. Roger Watkins was heavily involved with the process and was going to direct it before his untimely passing. We were looking for the financing when that happened. I had written the script, Toe tag pictures were producing and doing effects, Roger was directing again, there was debate on weather or not he would act in it again. that was never totally addressed. A few horror names were approached about roles but never finalized as the budget was not in place when Roger passed. Once he passed the directorial reigns were shifted around several times, eventually decided to land in my lap. We worked for quite a few more months on it before it collapsed completely.

The script is easily the darkest thing I have ever written and will probably remain that way. It may end up rewritten as something else down the road, or maybe get made. Who knows at this point. This project collapsing was one of the biggest, most bitter disappointments of my filmmaking careers, next to Roger dying, which was horrible in and of itself.

The "silence" on the project was simply because we didn't want to be premature and announce something without financing, and as it turned out, for good reason. As for the speculation of VanBebber's Involvement, he had nothing whatsoever to do with this project at all.

So this is the story from the horses mouth. I've heard rumors of other filmmakers trying to make LHODES2 but ours was the official deal, sanctioned by the man himself. the only reason I even wrote it in the first place was to give him back the many things that time took away from him on the first film, such as the original title and a lot of the subtext he felt got lost along the way.

Godspeed Roger Watkins. I do indeed miss you.

Andy Copp


MAKE IT!!!!!!


i agree make the film make a sequel before someone announces a remake thatd be dreadful


There is a loose remake of LHODES called Cheap, and it's one of my favorite films of all time.

You, you got what I need. But you say he's just a friend. But you say he's just a friendOHBABY!


Thanks for the info, Andy. Unfortunately, volumes could be filled with stories of all of the movies that have come right to the point of production, only to fall apart.

Probably best that no one else picked up the directorial reigns after Roger's passing. The first film was such an extension of his personality, of his frustrations, of his humor, that he is really the only person who should have steered that ship for a second time.

Hopefully, you will see something positive come out of all the work you (and others) put into this project.


I just wanted to ask where this stands - I can see somebody wanting to do a remake or even a sequel just for the money... So if there was work done for a sequel, a finished film, or at least a documentary, would be amazing.


Not gonna happen. They were going to make the sequel with Andy Copp and Fred Vogel from TOETAG pictures producing, but then Roger died so now nothing is being done.

I just love film.


Well, then I hope this one won't be dragged out by Hollywood to be "remade" for "young audiences".

Oh well, maybe one day the 175min. version will resurface...



I hope not as well. And yes Maybe.

I just love film.
