
Does the end of this film have a few survivors trapped in some kind of house or hotel...and the camera pulls back and you see the entire town encased in spider webs?

I always thought the spiders were tarantulas, but I thought they burrowed in the ground, and didn't spin webs. Anyone know?


I remember the movie ending just like that. I think you're right. As for Tarantulas, they don't spin the kind of webs that other spiders do. Their webs are more like lining. Cover the floor and roof of a small hole and anything that falls in gets caught, unlike other spiders that make the "something will fly into this one" variety.


Tarantulas use their webbing more for comfort and practical devices. They spin hammocks for their eggs, lining for the ground of their hides and shelters while they molt so they are not disturbed. Tarantulas are extremely practical and resourceful.

And contrary to popular belief, most tarantulas are not "trapdoor" spiders, like everybody thinks. Most will just sit in one place, or in their hide in the dark, and simply wait until something comes along, and snag it. If you've ever seen this done, then you know the unmatched speed with which a tarantula can lash out, despite people's perception that it's such a slow and sluggish animal. Some tarantulas just go all out and actively chase down their prey.



lol, all i can think of now is tarantulas running and chasing things...


do you guys remember that this "scene" at the end with the spider's web arounf the all town was actually a simple black and white drawing? funny ;)




"do you guys remember that this "scene" at the end with the spider's web arounf the all town was actually a simple black and white drawing? funny ;)"

When I first saw Kingdom Of The Spiders many years ago on TV I thought the ending with the town being covered in webbing actually looked real (mind you, I was only 11 years old at the time). But when I saw the movie again years later, I thought "that last scene doesn't look realistic at all, just looks like a drawing or something." And as you guys have pointed out, that's exactly what it was. Just a painting. Oh well, what do you expect with a low budget, right?

What IS real about Kingdom Of The Spiders, however, are the spiders themselves. Those really are tarantulas crawling all over the actors. In fact, I once read an interesting article about this movie in which they talked about how they did the casting. Each potential actor/extra was brought into the casting office and had a live tarantula placed on one of their shoulders. If they didn't faint then they got the part.
