PG rating??

How does this film get such a mild film rating when it is a little disturbing at parts? It even has gore when the water tower falls on the sheriff. What gives?


i am fairly certain that at the time this was released there was no PG-13 rating, so a number of films that were not considered offensive enough for an R rating wound up being rated PG. Alternately there were some movies that received R ratings that seemed fairly tame, even by the time period's standards. As a result, it was felt there needed to be something in between the 2, and PG-13 was born.

My DVD collection:


i bought it last yr in the uk it had 18 cert on it

Mr Mcgoven bring back Robbie Coltrane`s Cracker


I suppose the MPAA felt "Kingdom Of The Spiders" fell into the guidelines of a PG-rated film. I'd have to agree with them. It is very creepy and I find the sight of the tarantulas very unsettling, but it doesn't go beyond the PG rating of its era. 1979's "Prophecy," and 1972's "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things" have more gore and violence than "Kingdom Of The Spiders," and they were PG-rated as well. I would imagine "Kingdom Of The Spiders" would receive a PG-13 rating if it were submitted for a re-rating today (the PG-13 rating was created in 1984.) It seems any film with scenes of intensity now get the PG-13, and family films with mild themes get the PG.


American 70's PG films were often quite strong in places. 'PG' was certainly different then.
One of the most famous 'PG' movies from that era was the surprisingly violent and bloody "Blood and Lace".

And the American 'PG' has nothing to do with a UK 'PG'.

The '18' video logo on the cheap UK VHS is a false one, not a BBFC one.


Prior to 1984, to get an R rating, you had to say the f-word more than once (or use certain stronger words, like either c-word, etc.) or show graphic sex and violence scenes.

And by graphic, I mean that a lot of stuff that made it into PG films would get a film an R today. Also, lots of what got an R in the 1970s and early 1980s would get an NC-17 today. There are exceptions, but it was generally taken for granted at the time that children can handle stronger content, and that parents ultimately should chose what their kids should see.

The reason this film received a PG instead of an R was because the nudity was brief (and non-sexual), most of the gore was implied and the swearing was extremely mild. Today, it would have been released as a PG-13, and probably without the brief shot of Ms. Bollin getting out of the shower, nor the shot of the sheriff in the car.

Which makes me hope that no one tries to ruin this with a remake.


Also, this movie falls into the same line as the PG rating for Jaws. with that movie, the R rating wasn't applied (despite some violent death scenes) because it wasn't people committing the violence, and the producers of Jaws said that the movie wasn't going to influence people to go out into the ocean and eat other people. Most likely, that's why this movie was given a PG rating as well.


Theres actually a bit of nudity in this movie when the blond doctor is getting ready to take a shower at the cabin


The nudity was VERY brief and wasn't sexual in context so it was OK for PG. And seriously--this movie isn't THAT violent. There's only a few moments of blood, there's no gore and some of the tarantuals were obviously fake. I think the PG is fine. "Dracula Has Risen From the Grave" in 1968 had TONS of blood and violence and that got a G!


I thought all of the tarantula's were real in this film?


SOME were but not all. If u watch you'll notice some of the "tarantulas" aren't even moving. And the scenes where actors stamp on them were obviously not real ones.


Actually some of those they stepped on were recently dead ones they used in film edit cuts (which is still allowed in hollywood) you could see the blood oozing out of those...those ones on the grass in daylight that Shatner was looking at through the window were fake though u could just tell in closeups


Just read on Wikipedia that some of the tarantulas in the film were indeed fake.
