Twilight Zone music

Did anyone else notice that all of the music, besides that god-awful verde main theme, in the movie was the same music used in the original Twilight Zone?


You are right. Parts of Jerry Goldsmith's score for the Twilight Zone Episode "The Invaders" where reused by Music Supervisor Igor Kantor.


"besides that god-awful verde main theme"

You didn't like "Peaceful Verde Valley"? I think the song is great! So are all the other Dorsey Burnette songs from this movie.


Yes! They used Jerry Goldsmith's score from the "Twilight Zone" episodes "The Invaders" and "Back There."

The 1980 movie "Alligator" also used the same music from the same two episodes, as well as the music from the "TZ" episode "Nervous Man in a Four Dollar Room."


My favorite scene is when Shatner is in the basement changing a fuse, and then all the spiders come crashing down on him. The waaaaay over-the-top, overly-dramatic music really makes that scene...I love it every time!


wow,, i never noticed that one,, i've watched the old twilght zone years ago,, but somehow i missed the connection.
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


The same music, I believe, was used in the U.S. release of Anthropophagus (called The Grim Reaper, and it's a TERRIBLE version of the film. I don't recommend it at all. Get the uncut version instead.) and also Alligator.

The screwed up thing is that I first heard the music in Alligator, and I thought it was the score to that... then I was watching The Twilight Zone and heard the same music and thought "How the hell... I heard this in Alligaotr" and then the same for this movie, ha ha ha. Although Alligator does have quite a bit of original score, I believe.


All of the music that was composed for the Twilight Zone episodes from 1959-1964 became property of CBS when the series ended in 1964. Various snippets of Twilight Zone music can be heard in many CBS TV series throughout the rest of the 1960s and early 1970s.

Beginning in January 1974, the music was again recycled as the incidental and background music for the radio series "The CBS Radio Mystery Theater", which ran for 9 years (1974-1982).


They also played a music cue from "Hawaii 5-0" it was played at the beginning when Shatner's character was driving down the road. The same song was played in an episode of "Sanford and Son" on the 2 part Hawaii episode from 1977.

The opening music to this music was awful. I had to fast forward the DVD until it was over.

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather


I believe you meant the music for this movie, hehe.

They just repeated the same music too often. I counted 6 at least, and still haven't finished the last 10 mins (too terrified, err tired. Or territired).

But the opening song for me is by far the best. It's so unexpected, a country song, so fits the peaceful scene and scenery, makes it surreal, yet has a creepy twist in the chorus melody making it more of an impact than traditional horror music.
Plus it's fits so well that it's a normal country town, until now.

New on the menu: egg and spider roll
Or try our cow and spider


This music works really well in Alligator (1980).


The only song I remember is Peaceful Verde Valley and it is probably my favorite country song ever made.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.
