Poor Spiders

Great movie, though I wonder how many spiders died in the filming? I saw some smashed, shot, burned, run over by cars, fire extinguished, and boiled. Could this film be made today, or would it be violating some kind of law for animal rights?

It's coming for me through the trees.


It probably could be made today, but the situation with the tarantulas would be monitored very carefully. There is no way the filmmakers would get away with killing the creatures like they did back in 1977. If there are scenes that call for any spiders to be killed, it would likely be handled using CGI technology.

One of the rules with making movies is that once the working day is done everybody goes home alive, including animals. You remember the scene in Shawshank Redemption when the old convict feeds his bird a maggot? Well, the filmmakers were told they were not allowed to have the live maggot fed, so instead they had to find one that had already died. So times have definitely changed since the days of Kingdom Of The Spiders.


And yet I bet if an actress in a movie today had a roach infestation in her trailer - or even a single occupied spider web nobody would hesitate to kill them.

If they made this today and actually killed spiders who would raise a stink about it besides PETA?

I would think that would be great publicity for a low budget film today.


I hate spiders and I do like this movie. I remember it so well from when I was a kid. It stood out to me because of the very down beat ending. BUT years later when I found out they actually killed spiders while making it, I did feel bad about that. Even though I hate spiders it just did not seem right that they should kill them just to make this fun, hammy, over the top, piece of sh*t movie.


I like this movie a lot, too. But I did cringe seeing the spiders actually getting killed and people stepping on them, running over them and such. Today they'd do it with CGI and it wouldn't quite be the same effect as using actual spiders. So, uh, what did you think about that wonderful theme song?


I love the theme song, I'd buy it in a heartbeat if it is available in any format.

The #1 forum for Will Ferrell fans on the internet: http://www.willferrellfanforum.tk/


I liked the movie but worst theme song ever

Back off man. I'm a scientist.


I was thinking that there would be no way to make a movie like this today. As I watched the sheriff drive into town I was certain he would not run over any of the spiders. Nope, he just plowed them right down.



Yeah I'm watching the Rifftrax version right now and I actually came here to post about this. The Wikipedia page says they used "rubber" spiders for some scenes but I'm not buying it. I see clearly real spiders being abused and killed.
