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Did This Trigger Off Arachnophobia To Anyone?

I used to love spiders when I was a kid (kept them in jars as pets), but after seeing this movie when I was 9, I developed a fear of them. So grossed out was I by this film I never looked at spiders the same way again.

Unclean beast! Get thee down! Be thou consumed by the fires that made thee!


um, no because I was already TERRIFIED of them when I saw the movie.




No, because I already had it when I first saw this movie (on newtwork TV one night in the late 1970s). But it will always have one very big distinction for me, it was the very last movie I ever saw with my father (in our den one Friday night in April, 1981 on network TV again). He died on November 28, 1981, but we had seen a few movies in there together in previous years (and definitely would have in future years on our VCR, which we then first got in November, 1982, one year after he died). But I had always been arachnaphobic as a child and teenager, and did find this movie (and its fellow 1977 spider movie, Tarantulas:The Deadly Cargo) very creepy. Ironically, the later Arachnaphobia and Eight Legged Freaks didn't really affect me in this sense too much, though I've always wondered how the infamous spider pit scene in the original King Kong would have (probably a good deal from what I've heard, though I still look foward to seeing it on the original's new DVD when get a chance-even if it is a Peter Jackson replacement). But yes, this movie did add to my arachnaphobia but did not trigger it. And I will always remember this movie because of my arachnaphobia, and also because of the very big distinction it will always have for me, which this spring had its 25th (silver) anniversary (explained).

"I happen to be a vegetarian". Lex, from Jurrasic Park


I used to think spiders were cool. When I was five my brothers tied me to a chair and made me watch this movie and I've been terrified of them ever since. YES, this movie gave me arachnaphobia. I'm an adult now and I STILL check under my bed, behind the bed, behind the dresser and in the sheets before I go to bed at night (pathetic as it may sound).

Side Note: I'm writing this during sick leave from work that I got, from all things, a brown recluse bite. I don't think I'm getting over my fear of spideys anytime soon. :-)


I saw this movie when I was 4 or 5 and I am still terrified of spiders to this day. I read the premise just now and had forgotten most of the movie except the ending and the one spider on the fence. I think I saw it when it aired orginally on TV in the late 70's or early 80's I guess. I had reoccurring dreams until a few years ago (I'm 30 now) about spiders covering my floor and bed while I slept and spinning a web around me. I am certain this movie triggered my arachnaphobia. I saw the movie Arachnophobia and it was creepy but not nearly as scary. I can now kill the smaller ones but big ones, jumping ones and ones not on the ground still make me scream.


Yes undoubtably. I love this film yet i'm a arachnophobic so go figure. Maybe it's because im actually scared of the tarantulas that it works. I have watched this film loads of times and yes all i could really remember was that chilling ending. god that gave me the shivers badly. For a low budget horror movie it was and still is TERRIFYING. The fact that all the trantulas were real was even more scary and the scene where they attack the town, god i was glad i wasnt anywhere near there.


I remember watching this film when I was about 6 or 7 years old, well hiding behind a cushion and moving around constantly thinking the spiders were crawling on me. I don't remember all that much of it, except the parts when the spiders spun webs around the people. I wouldn't really say it triggered my arachnophobia cause I hated all creepy crawlies before then but it scared the crap out of me. I still hate spiders and to the person who checks their bed etc you're not the only one!! One time I had to sleep in my living room cause a spider got 'lost' in my room somewhere. It's actually really funny cause my dad loves spiders and even has a Chilean Rose Tarantula as a pet, which I've held in my hand. I'm glad I don't live with him or the spider though cause I don't think I could sleep in the house knowing the spider was there, I'd be crapping myself thinking it was going to escape and kill me.


Yes...I first saw this movie when I was 7 years old and I slept on the floor of my parents' bedroom after watching it! Sadly, I was too young to have appreciated Shatner's awful acting... :P


I only get afraid if I know one is hanging/chilling over me. Otherwise, I'm not too much more uneasy around them then any other creepy-crawlie.

That being said, this movie scared the crap out of me when I was a kid. I need to watch it again.



Definately!! I was 9, too. I cannot stand spiders anymore. I always picture people wrapped up in cocoon like spider webs. And for a long time, it was hard to sleep if I knew there were spiders around. I was afraid of one crawling in my ear.
