MovieChat Forums > It Happened at Lakewood Manor (1977) Discussion > Barely remember this- but have a questio...

Barely remember this- but have a question!!

I barely remember this, but I was wondering if this is
the movie I am thinking of..

Is this the movie where we see Ants crawling
in a sink or a drain--with cooks working at it??

I realy don't know if I'm on target or not..!!

Anyway- that's when I changed the channel-
that part grossed me out!!

Oh yeah- I saw this movie listed in the TV guide
as "Ants!" .. Not as "Happened At Lakewood Manor"
or "Panic At Lakewood Manor".. simply "Ants!"

But that was YEARS ago when I happened
to see this little bit of it....I saw like
5 minutes of it-- and only remember ants crawling
in a sink drain--then I said "no way am I watching

But 1 week ago- I ordered the DVD from


Yes this is the movie, I remember seeing it when I was 5 or 6 back in 87, 88 on TV and picked it up today for the hell of it. It's just as ridiculous now as it was back then, if not more.

Because sponges never have bad days.


I just watched on DVD for the second time after
that day I was very edgy to watch it...

Totaly unscary!! Somewhat
unnerving though with thousands
of ants crawling in the dirt, or
a sink drain!!

That kid should have never went into
the dumpster--that way he would have not
been attacked!!

And how were were able to see hundreds
of ants at once I will never know!!

In real life though--no doubt
they were common everyday ants-they
could not have been THAT bad!!

It was chilling to see the ants
crawl over everyone-pretty brave
actors and actresses!!

Just carry around some Raid
spray to spray at them!!

LOTS of Raid spray!!
