Where can I buy it?

Does anybody know where I can buy it?


Let me know when you find out; all I have is a taped-off-TV VHS copy...

"If you don't know the answer -change the question."


Can you get it form vhs to dvd?

[email protected]


Yes, I already copied my VHS to DVD to preserve it and make it more watchable; but it's still just a copy of a TV broadcast -Commercial breaks edited out, of course.

Send me a blank DVD and $3 postage and it's yours.

"If you don't know the answer -change the question."


Did you ever get your hands on this at all?

[email protected]


I have an actual VHS copy and have transferred it to DVD. The video quality is fair to good, but beter than nothing. Email me at [email protected] if interested in a copy.


Google video has all of the Sunn Classic Pictures pseudoscience documentaries, free of charge and in a reasonably watchable condition. Just go to the site and type in the full title of the film.


I only found one full length video (Beyond and Back) on Google Video. What was the search criteria you used to get the full listing? I simply did a search for "Sunn Classic Pictures".


I simply typed "in search noah's ark". Any combination of those words should work.

As for the rest of the movies, you can find their full titles from imdb's "production companies" feature on Sunn. Then, just go to google video, type in the titles of the films and you should find them in no time.


The whole movie is also online:



You can still get the VHS on Amazon.com:


Then you can transfer it to DVD. That's the best you can do for the time being...


The Ark? Track down one of Noah's relatives. Before sailing he had the family's cut throat Jewish lawyer draw up an agreement passing the ownership of the Ark to his descendants. If ISIS takes Turkey, maybe they will find it.


On YouTube:


I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP! - Daniel Plainview - There Will Be Blood
