MovieChat Forums > Communion (1976) Discussion > HD version on TCM this June

HD version on TCM this June

TCM will air HD version of Alice, Sweet Alice again - on June 25th.
Will anyone be able to capture it (best) in 1080i or 720p?


i'm going to watch



I've heard rumors that this version running on TCM is cut and edits out a lot of the violence :/ I guess will find out when it airs tomorrow.


So I just watched it on TCM - and can confirm that it IS indeed cut. womp womp. The opening credits use the title "Communion" so this is obviously a different print than what was used for the DVD.
Every shot of a knife plunging into someone has been cut (the cuts are really noticeable too) as well as Dom's teeth bashing scene and the shot of him hitting the ground.

What a bummer. The picture quality was really good, too.


Was the quality any better than what's on the dvd?


Definitely better than the DVD


It's currently on "TCM Movies on Demand"


I do not understand why this movie made it to TCM I thought the acting was horrible.


its a pretty good movie is why


That is where I saw it and Sisters (1973) for the first time.


The acting is terrible but the movie is still creepy af


Alice Sweet Alice airs again on early Sunday morning December 18, 2016 at 4:15 AM ET.

Still cut. Still under the original "Communion" title. And still a telecine that, even with the cuts, looks a thousand times better than the putrid DVD transfers. It does include all the parts that Alfred Sole chopped out so he could get it copyrighted. (Next time, try remembering to put a copyright date on the final cut.)

Not that I minded that the "You notice her tits..." line during the lie detector test scene was expunged. That was unintentionally hilarious. Was this the MPAA approved version? I never saw it theatrically but it sure looks like what the film would have had to look like to get an "R."


Sounds like they had an "edited for TV" print instead of the original theatrical release. Wonder how that happened.

Betty-"SHOVE IT!"
Ralph-"Oh,you shove it too,Betty!"


I dont' know about you but all the violence in this film is extremely graphic and detail oriented and extremely effective.

so I almost cant' imagine it being any better by showing more of the violence than they show in this version. all the violence is shown in the best way which is showing you just enough to get the point across that someone got stabbed or sliced with a knife but never showing you over the top, Friday the 13th amount of mutilation, so where your mind fills in all the blanks to make it extremely disturbing and the most realistic depictions of violence that a film can have.



I saw it then, on late Saturday and I kind of regretted watching it as it just was so disturbing and scarring. I mean my gosh, gosh damn it's cold dead black with it's tone and what is shown with it's violence and with it's harrowing emotional trauma and terror.

every violent act is so realistic because they show just enough violence for you to think that the violence actually happened. why oh why dont' they ever use this kind of violence in movies anymore? only in the '70s did they use this kind of violence. and it was so effective. they show you just enough where your mind can fill in the blanks of what you don't see. and you believe that you actually seeing violent acts even though you are not. this is very, very effective. I've never seen better portrayals of violence than the violence that is in this film.


why is this a big deal? has it never been available in HD until last June?
