Carol Burnett

Is it just my imagination, or is that Carol Burnett in an uncredited cameo as Dr Thorndyke's mother in the flashback scene at the end of the movie?


No it's not Burnett. In fact I don't recall them showing their faces did they? Either way it's definitely not Burnett.


In fact I don't recall them showing their faces did they? Either way it's definitely not Burnett.

Then how would you know it's NOT Burnett? Sheesh...


Ok let me clarify. It wasn't her voice. And if they didn't show her face it wasn't her face. So maybe her hands made a cameo appearance.


I always thought it was Carol Burnett, too... but I think in the credits, it lists someone else.


The actress who played the mother was Yvonne Wilder. She was a regular on the TV series, Full House as Jesse's mother. She also appeared as Sid Caesar's secretary in Silent Movie, and was one of Maria's friends in West Side Story


I just saw High Anxiety AGAIN - first time in probably 10 years, but for maybe the 5th or 6th time overall. When Mel was flashing back to his toddler years, in a high chair and frustrating his parents, there was a full face shot of Carol Burnett screaming and yelling as only she could. I back tracked my DVR and watched the scene several times because I had never before noticed it was Carol, and I wanted to be sure - I am a Carol fan. I do not know who played Mel's father because he was turned away from the camera and I did not recognize his voice, but I am absolutely certain Carol played the mother.


I think so too, but only Mel and Carol would know.


Definitely not Carol Burnett. Jeez.

"I will not go down in history as the greatest mass-murderer since Adolf Hitler!" - Merkin Muffley


Not Carol Burnett at all.


she resembled Carol Burnett... they both have two eyes.


No, that isn't her. Actually, I don't think they credited those actors in that scene. Might've been funny to actually have Sid Casear and Imogene Coca do those roles, since Mel worked for them on Your Show of Shows.


Played back that short scene 3-4 times and I am certain that is Carol Burnett. Mel, Carol, can you confirm?!
