MovieChat Forums > The Hazing (1977) Discussion > Points for jock-strap scene

Points for jock-strap scene

I'm sure this film was much more effective during its original run & later as a late-night movie. Call me superficial, but the extended scene of Jeff East & Charlie Smith's jock-strapped butts (which, according to one of the reviewers on the film's page were actually derriere-doubles??) made this a worthwile rental.
I also appreciated that 70s ambience.



I read that comment one of the reviewers made too about the use of body doubles for Charles Martin Smith and Jeff East. I don't know about Smith, but there are several shots where East's butt is exposed, and he turns in the same shot and you see his face. The shot when he stumbles and falls is a good example. Smith's butt is exposed from the side when it's clearly him, but I noticed the filmmakers avoiding showing his rear much. Just in one shot from the waist down (and that may have been a double too, but why bother if you're fine showing off the side?).

So I question the reliability of that individual's statement. Perhaps the body doubles were for the extreme long shots of the two running down the hill, if doubles were actually used?
