The Spaghetti Scenes

Whenever this movie comes to mind, I always think of the two scenes involving spaghetti. Marsh Mason's grocery bag falls to the sidewalk while she chases the man who snatched her purse. After giving up on the chase, she's shown picking up sticks of spaghetti off the ground and putting them back in the box they fell out of.

In the next scene they're at the dinner table and they're eating...the spaghetti!

The more I study it, the greater the puzzle becomes.
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad


That stuck out in my mind, too! Uck!!


Yum! Spaghetti off the street!

Marry me,Bob Gunton!


I guess they boiled the city off of it.


What i think is funny is the whole scene leading up to the spaghetti on the ground. When the two guys approach her outside the liquor store and rob her of her groceries and she chases a moving car and falls . I laughed

"So, a thought crossed your mind? Must have been a long and lonely journey"


Gives new meaning to the expression "road food". lol


There's a deleted scene in the special edition, where they throw the spaghetti away and go to the store for more. On the way we actually hear the funniest line in the whole movie...

...not really, but that's how I rationalised it in my head!

Awight we're The Daamned we're a punk baand and this is called Carn't Be Appy T'day!


The spaghetti would have been washed and then boiled. Not gross at all, really. What about the vegetable you eat? That stuff comes out of the dirty ground, where pests and bugs have pissed and defecated.. but you don't see that as gross though?


I don't think any amount of boiling and tomato sauce would remove the bits of asphalt and gravel that was picked up off the street with the posta. I still think of them slurping down the "crunchy" spaghetti even though I watched the movie days ago.


No two persons ever watch the same movie.
