as faulty as this is..

not nearly as awful as many 21st century horror movies are.

check yourself before you wreck yourself BOI!!


Yes, it's much, much better than the prequels which I find are a chore to watch.


It's better than 50 percent of the dreck we get in mainstream cinemas these days. I'd gladly take this over The Devil Inside or Texas Chainsaw 3D any day.



not nearly as awful as many 21st century horror movies are.

I agree. This movie is a train wreck, but at least it's fun to watch in a "what the hell went wrong?" kind of way.

Rob Zombie movies and similar contemporary slasher trash don't even provide that. There's no possible talk of "failure" or anything going wrong in a Rob Zombie movie because with the writing, directing, and casting, there's no potential for the material to be good to begin with.


I agree!
