2.9 stars????

I just watched this film last night and while it's no 'Phase IV' it's a fun and enteratining movie.


I had a great time watching this one! Cheesy, but it's pretty tasty cheese!

Next time you see me, it won't be me


I don't get all the knee-jerk "1" votes. Sure, this is a "bad" movie, but as long as it's entertaining, it's not a failure. I gave it 6/10.


Watching now on MGM and probably no more than a 3 out of 10.
But it does look really good in HD.

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I give a lot of 7's for "bad" films as long as I find them consistently entertaining. This came close, but not quite close enough. But I'd always reserve the right to upgrade if I ever watch it again.


I agree. As long as a film entertains me, I consider it to be a good film and this movie did a wonderful job at entertaining me. People act like they were expecting Gone With The Wind or something. They must not be familiar with the rest of Bert I. Gordon's work. They just need to relax, have fun, watch the movie, and not take things so seriously.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


I like enteratining movies.

