such cheeze

I know that back in the 70's they didnt have good special effects, but this is one the the cheeziest movies i've ever seen. Whoever made it must have been on drugs or something cause this is one messed up movie. I guess it's supposed to be a horror film, but it was sooo bad that I couldn't stop laughing. =)


It's a AIP/Bert I. Gordon Film, what do you expect. You really can't expect the best from AIP, and Bert I. Gordon (Mr. BIG) I found this movie to be good in a bad way. I enjoyed it. I'm a fan of bad movies (movies from AIP and Mr. BIG,) probably because of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

-Shoot the film first, ask questions later.-
-Visit Beautiful Ground Zero!-


I know.... i just thought it was pretty funny. By the way, what is Mystery Science Theater 3000?? Is it a movie?


Mystery Science Theater 3000 was (is) a TV show that was on Comedy Central and later on Sci-Fi, that had these three creatures (one man, two robots) watching and making fun of very horrible movies (I.E. Empire of the Ants, Plan 9 from Outer Space, etc.) Do Note Though: that they never made fun of Plan 9 from Outer Space, but I was using it as an example. It lasted from 1988 until 1999. In my opinion it was a great show. You can find out more about it at:

Also, they did make a movie: Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie (

Hope this helps! :-)

-Shoot the film first, ask questions later.-
-Visit Beautiful Ground Zero!-


OMG! I love MSTK3!!

RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


Okay, I have to agree with everyone about this being a majorly cheesy movie. That said, I just finished watching it on The Movie Channel. It was a trip back in time for me! I remember when they filmed the movie - it was not 1977, I believe it was 1974 or 1975. This was big news here in Stuart, Florida when the filming was going on. There were articles in the paper, stills, etc.

I mainly wanted to see it again to see the changes that have taken place here in the past 30 years. The pier is no longer, the beach area is now one of the most expensive developments in Florida - Sailfish Point. The Pelican Yacht Club at the beginning of the movie is still around, but the rest of the locations now look entirely different.

I loved the comment one of the reviewers made about the performance of the taxi driver in the movie. I think I can shed some light on why the performance was so awful - he was the science teacher at Stuart Middle School and an amateur actor! I guess their cast budget was spent on Joan Collins, Robert Lansing and Albert Salmi with not much left for bit parts.

The only other film that was done here in the 1970's was Little Laura & Big John (starring Fabian & Karen Black). I'm still trying to acquire that one, mainly for the location shots. One of the scenes in that movie was done right near our house. I guess they only film really bad movies here!


>>>I know that back in the 70's they didnt have good special effects

The special effects they had in the 70s were just fine - if producers were willing to pay for them. Gordon wasn't.

The Thunder Child SF webzine



Couldn't agree more. Notice during the "action" scenes, the camera is being constantly shaken. There is more cheese in this movie than the state of Wisconsin could consume.

Cats are delicate dainty animals who suffer from a variety of ailments ... except insomnia.


I don't know what you were expecting from a movie called "Empire of the Ants." I should think people would be able to see from the title and poster what kind of film it's going to be. To me, it's a fun movie with good, well written characters and the idea of ants using pheromones to control the minds of humans is an interesting idea. I know it's not Oscar winning material, but I don't expect a sci-fi B-movie about giant ants to be. I think people should just relax and enjoy the movie.

As for special effects, I don't mind when special effects are fake looking. You can tell they're fake today as well so you can either choose fake looking CGI or fake looking practical effects. Take your choice which. When I watch movies, I can just imagine the special effects for what they're supposed to be rather than what they are so it doesn't bother me.

Burn, witch! Burn, witch! Burn! Burn! Burn!


>" a fun movie with good, well written characters "<

what? Empire of the Ants indeed----the actors and the acting were pretty bad in this----the ants were the best part!

