MovieChat Forums > The Duellists (1978) Discussion > Is this at all like The Prestige?

Is this at all like The Prestige?

The story of two men having a life long rival with each other. I know story wise it wont be at all the same but can it and how so be compared to the Prestige?


The plot is about two men who have a life long conflict, but the movie is about the nature of honor. It examines the concept of honor, its requirements, and the moral and ethical path that stems from ones decision to be a person of honor.

It's fascinating in that his shows how a man's dedication to honor grounds him in an ethical morality that makes him successful on every level, while simultaneously forcing him into actions which he believes are ridiculous and even disgusting, but which he cannot walk away from without violating his own nature.


The Duellists is a confict of honor and The Prestige is a confict of revenge but both concern obsession so thematically there can be said to be some resemblance. But the two filmmakers (Ridley Scott with the Duellists and Christpher Nolan with The Prestige) appoach to this theme is quite different. I'm acually in the process of writting an entry for my blog that discusses The Duellists and has a section that compares and contasts what is done differently in the two films. My blog is
I kind of busy right now so that entry probably won't be up for a week or so but by all means if you are a movie person read and comment on my older stuff. I'm trying real hard to get readship for the blog


Thanks a lot galileo ii. That was exactly the kind of answer i was looking for and i will check out your blog.


Hey psurmenian1!

Awhile back I discovered that I posted the wrong file of The Duellist review to my blog! What origionally ended up there was an inbetween verson of early drafts not the final verson! If you read that you were probably very confused, or thought I was a really crappy writer! I fixed the blog awhile ago, so if you would check the blog again I think you will find things alot clearer.


The New Beverly Cinema in West Hollywood seems to think they are at least similar. They have it playing as a double feature June 19th-20th and they always pair movies based on some sort of theme or connection...


I just came over from the New Bev site, and when I read that question, I'd assumed it was prompted by this weekend's lineup.
