How is Mole self-hating?

I was reading the article on "Desperate Living" on Wikipedia, and it describes Mole as a "self-hating lesbian." While viewing the movie I didn't see her as self-hating but she seemed loveable by Muffy. Can someone explain this to me?


Self-hating because she said early on "Im a man trapped in a woman's body!" Later after the sex change operation she was screaming to Buffy as she cut off her new penis, "Now I'll never have organs!" "It'll be like having a Barbi doll crotch!"


The more proper term would be "self-loathing," it's not the same as when you hate someone else. Any gay like Mole knows the feeling, at least they did back then, and get the crazy joke. There's also the tranny "guy" and his rant about men when he is clearly a man ...

"What goes on out there, is a disgrace":
