? Caution spoiler!

When did Diane fall for the guy who tried to rape her? I don't get it. The rape scene with him asking, "Why'd you stop?" twice.


Did I miss something?



I'm going to make a guess here.

First. Lep (Stroud) is the alpha male in this. He's strong, determined, even straight forward. Just with few morals.

Harry (Shamata) is conniving, shallow, miserly. He has a two-way mirror in his house, taking photos of guests, etc. He also has no real balls when the confrontation starts. He's not a total coward, but not nearly as strong as Lep, and in the end he runs away in fear.

When Lep goes to rape Diane, he all but says he thrives on her fighting back. When she stops resisting, that's when he stops. He's not interested in just doing it if she's helpless. It's more of a game to him.

I believe the end shots are not a reflection that Diane was in love with Lep. But that in a raw way she could identify with him at her core. She's in the truck with a dead and lifeless Harry who was essentially useless to her, and when she rose to the strength, and level, of Lep in order to stop him and his men, she could in a sense relate to him in a visceral way.

I realize this may sound rather existential, but I believe all of this was intentional by the filmmakers. The film we see is the one they wanted us to see.


i think deep down Lep wanted Diane, he wanted to kiss her like in the scene when he first gets her in Harry's house.
