Aspect ratio?

The IMDB list the aspect ratio for this film as being 1:33-1. However, I've also heard from one source that the film was photographed in 2:35-1 widescreen. Does anybody know what the correct aspect ratio is for this film?

This doesn't seem like a widescreen movie to me, but then again, filming it in the TV academy aspect ratio of 1:33-1 seems just as unlikely. How many TV stations would play this film?


I'm currently watching the US DVD of it which is 4;3 1.33:1 and it looks like there should be more image to the sides. Looks very squashed in. I wouldn't be surprised if it was 1.85:1 originally but can imagine it being quite a good looking film if it was to be in a 2.35:1 ratio. Hopefully I'd Grindhouse get round to their reissue they've talked about we might get an answer.
