Was anyone else terrified when...

...Barry [Got his name wrong, thanks for pointing out!] gets abducted? This scene used to give me nightmares as a kid. I guess because it's the same fear as a poltergeist - having your own home invaded by an alien entity and nothing you can do about it, complete with having the child in a trancelike state. It's terrifying - the clouds opening up like a biblical event, the music, the red lights, hell, I even remember being scared of the damn vacuum cleaner in this scene, lol.


(Isn't his name Barry, not Bobby?) But there is one thing you have to admit: It's kinda funny the way Barry's totally happy the whole time his mother's completely terrified. I guess if we could watch the scene completely from his point of view, it would be fun.


Yes, it freaked me out as a kid too. I kept thinking about it over & over again and was actually worried the martians (that's what I used to call them) would come get me too.
