MovieChat Forums > Lisa, Lisa Discussion > Why was this film banned for so long?

Why was this film banned for so long?

It was only released uncut in the UK in 2005, and for the life of me I can't see why this terrible film was ever banned.

Nothing actually happened in it, and everything that did happen looked so fake it was ridiculous!

When Lisa was getting raped, she was screaming her head off and making daft sexual noises despite the fact you clearly see her mouth not move at any point. The throat slashing scene was so badly done that nobody, even those of a weak composition could be traumatised in the slightest.

the worst thing about the film was the acting, that bothered me more than anything that happened in the film itself.


I think it could easily get downgraded to a 15 cert nowadays. Violence is tame and the attempted rape is mild.

The DPP were idiots and probably just triggered by the poster. No one would give two shits about this film if it wasn't on the "Video Nasty" list, because it's badly directed, acted like, scored and terrible at just about everything else.

Doing a podcast on it next week. The link will be posted below once it's uploaded.
