MovieChat Forums > Audrey Rose (1977) Discussion > What Is the Language Content Of This Fil...

What Is the Language Content Of This Film?

I've been wanting to see this movie for sometime now, and it is now available on my ON DEMAND channel. However, if there is one thing I cannot stand, it's bad language in films, especially where blasphemy is concerned. I also hate violence and nudity in films. I am a Christian, and it sickens me to hear my Lord's precious Name misused and abused.

Has anyone seen this movie recently? If so, do you recall if there is alot of bad language and/or blasphemy in it? I would really appreiciate knowing. I went to, and apparently, this movie has not yet been screened.

Thanks so much!


"If so, do you recall if there is alot of bad language and/or blasphemy in it?"

'Audrey Rose' is about Reincarnation. Since you are a Christian you might get offended by this religion. Anyway, there is no blasphemy in it nor bad language. Oh, except this part when Janice swears softly and Ivy laughingly admonishes, "Watch your language, Mom; there are children present."
The movie is based on Frank De Felitta's novel. You should read it as well.


You're right, lunuso. I forgot that this movie *is* about reincarnation, and since I don't believe in reincarnation, I'll have to give it some thought as to whether I really should watch this movie or not.

Great point. Thanks!


There is a little more swearing than that. When Janice & Bill are arguing he yells "B*** S***!" and they use G** d*** once or twice. Mostly in the scene where they are arguing. It is a good movie though, and very poigniant and sad. The swearing is VERY minimal. It's up to you though.

Spiders! They want me to tapdance! I don't wanna tapdance!


Thanks HBP1967 for the info! It was very much appreciated.


No problem, I would highly recommend it to you anyway though, you'd be denying yourself a very good movie. And there is literally no sexual content or nudity in it. It's your choice though.

Spiders! They want me to tapdance! I don't wanna tapdance!


Yeah, and watch it with an open mind.
Perhaps, you can start believing in reincarnation...


Just watch it sometime when it comes on broadcast TV. They cut out all the objectionable language.


It is a horror movie. Besides, I don't believe in anything.



I saw this ON DEMAND just tonight, and I would say there is actually quite a bit of what some would consider "bad" language, both foul and blasphemous. Mild by today's standards, but if these are your sensitivities, I would probably recommend against this particular film.



My reply clearly addresses only the language of the film. Foul and blasphemous language. Depending on your level of sensitivity, blasphemous language includes any and all references to God outside of reverence and respect. Not content, just language. A direct answer to the original post.


My reply clearly addresses only the language of the film. Foul and blasphemous language.
But there isn't any foul and blasphemous language in 'Audrey Rose'


Alright, according to Christians
Oh my God
is the most blasphemous phrase in the English language.
And there's plenty of that.


