MovieChat Forums > Audrey Rose (1977) Discussion > Worst Winter scene EVER

Worst Winter scene EVER

So friggin over-the-top cheezy. The cyc is visible behind the fence. So phony.


I loved the scene with the snowman and the bonfire.

Movies rarely use sound-stage sets these days. Director Robert Wise, thank goodness, still had some old school tricks up his sleeve to stir up a spooky mood (so much like he did in "The Haunting" (1963)). The winter bonfire, with the shadowy set, added an eeriness to the reincarnation story.

Last night at the dance, my little brother paid a buck to see your underwear.


I would guess that Wise, who went on-location whenever he could, was contrasting the documentary footage of the preceding Indian funeral flashback with this patently artificial setting, implying his attitude toward the naturalness of the one over the other. It is the one outdoor scene not shot out-of-doors. That said, it does not work as a viewing experience and should have been reconsidered.


What is a cyc?


cyc = Cyclorama = a giant piece (or pieces of) canvas on which are painted the sky and distant horizon. Meant to help simulate outdoors when the filmmakers want the controlled environment of the studio and/or to avoid the cost of location shooting.

Imagine the cost of going to Canada to get real snow, build a real snowman, schlep all those kids up there, light the bonfire . . . . and then do take after take after take, all the while re-building the snowman and putting up with whining kids who are bored between takes, etc., etc.,


Oh... My.... God, are you telling me that winter scene was not real? I thought it was. YIKES! I thought it was the scariest scene in the movie. Well, one of the scariest, anyway. So, The scene was not real?


Few are the horror movies that are not cheesy.


Right - the snow couldn't have looked more phony if they tried.
