Convince Me

I'm about to watch this next week in my Robert Altman class. I haven't cared for much of his films that we've seen so far. I mean, I can appreciate the things he does and what makes him unique but I feel a lot of the films lack a plot or lack characters that I can hold on to and care for.

That said, we saw the trailer for this film today in class and it looks like the worst one yet. I can appreciate a bizarre film and maybe i'm just slapping my judgement from other films onto this one but I'm worried I'm gonna be distracted when I wanna focus and actually have intelligible discussion about it.

So please somebody, tell me why this film is worth my time. If you'd like, try to persuade someone who isn't so amazed by Altman as some others are.

(I did love The Long Goodbye and California Split looked kinda good. Maybe it's my like of Elliott Gould.)


Just watch it. It will hold your attention like a car wreck. Everybody knows and avoids someone like Millie...



I think what a lot of people forget about 3 Women is that is hilarious. The first time I watched it I almost fell in the floor laughing. Pinky's niavete and Willie's shallow musings on everything from chocolate pudding tarts to her hula lessons down at Macy's Salon of Dance kept me hanging on the edge of my seat--the dialogue was really that funny. I didn't want to miss a word. Then it took a weird turn and I was still spellbound. I wanted to know what was going on. The ending was ambiguous but I loved that too. I could take away from it whatever I wanted. A brilliant film. Amazing.

We'll see whose the filthiest person alive! We'll just see!


You'll never see a car drive by with the driver's clothing hanging out of the bottom of the door the same way again...and that alone should be enough.


I would love to know what you thought about it in the end. My sense is that it's an atypical Altman, dispensing with the big ensemble casts for something resembling one of Bergman's chamber drama's, plus a certain surrealist sensibility flowing just below the surface.

It is a very funny and very troubling film. What I love is the way the weird murals and the atonal music tip it just over the edge of avant-garde...


I totally agree, it's very different from Altman's other films and does feel like he's paying homage to Bergman. Considering that I'm mixed on Altman's usual stuff, this is my favorite out of the few of his flicks I've seen.

--The Artist Formerly Known as UnpluggedCrazy Before My Account Got Hacked--

