MovieChat Forums > Three's Company (1977) Discussion > How did the girls ever had sex?

How did the girls ever had sex?

Jack had his own room, but the 2 girls always shared the same bedroom, there is no way they could have a sexual intercourse while the other roommate is sleeping in other bed...


only 3somes


couch in the living room


They did not have sex. On 1970s and 80s television, it was always assumed that "good girls" like Janet, Chrissy, Cindy and Terri didn't have sex until they were married. Only whores and bimbos ("Greedy Gretchen") had sex.


Greedy Gretchen.

Great nickname! lol


Yeah they were held to much higher standards back then. Etiquette ???
Today women find it empowering to be just as filthy as men.


If there's a sock on the doorknob, don't come in, and you're sexiled to the couch. Just like being in the dorms in college.


If they did they would probably go to his place.


They could have gone to the guys house?


I am confident that in the entire shows run (172 episodes) not one man stayed over night in the girls room.

Still, the show was risque for it's time, I remember news of Pastors/Church officials complaining about it, trying to boycott the network


wow if that's what people got worked up about life must have been snores then


Life was about having a family, not hedonistic instant gratification like it is now. It was actually better.


This show is probably the best example of how taboos change from one generation to the next

Cohabitation was just becoming a norm for the young in the late 70's, was taboo for the greatest generation.

Now the depiction of a bimbo (Chrissy) is taboo in media today as is a straight (Jack) playing a gay character.

The stereotyping of gays would not fly today, but was not thought about when the show was made.

Jack's constant semi kidding sexual advances on Janet and Chrissy would come across as sexual harassment today.

I can think of no better example of changing mores in American media and than this show.


True! I love this show!


Cohabitation was forbidden enough that Jack had to fake being gay for them to even get a lease, but honestly I think it would have worked better if they weren't living in Southern California which was arguably pretty accepting of it by then.

I think Chrissy being a "bimbo" is a bit lacking in nuance. I think she was the "bombshell" from a looks perspective and then kind of "naive" from a brains perspective. I don't think she was ever portrayed as sexually permissive and I think more than one episode revolved around her evading someone trying to seduce her.

I think you can still have a Chrissy-type character, you can't just portray them as dumb, sexy and promiscuous, you have to subvert the type to some degree -- they can be sexy looking, socially clueless and super smart. Penny from the Big Bang Theory is kind of an example of this -- lacking in book smarts, but being socially savvy and street smart and sexy. Subverting the stereotype in some way or other is also a great plot device.


Yeah bimbo isn't quite right.

Just reinfored the "dumb-blonde" stereotype. Johnny Carson usually had one on some of his sketches.

But that has been pretty much demolished for the newer generations. I wonder if they are even aware that it existed? Or are familiar with the now antiquated term "Bimbo".


I think there’s a concept of a dumb blonde, but I think implicit in it is someone so naive they can be sexually exploited easily. Women’s status has changed enough that openly exploiting a woman sexually because she’s lacking in intelligence has become sexual assault and besides nowadays it’s also expected that the bimbo is willfully promiscuous of her own volition.


😆 hilarious, by these standards, all the men in season #1 save Mr.Roper, would be in prison.


These girls were as pure as the driven snow. That's how Chrissy got her name, Christmas Snow.

Good girls don't have sex until marriage. haha... but we know the truth....


They even made Chrissy's father a minister to hammer that fact home.


It was that kind of thinking that drove girls literally insane. I didn't even know it until just watching Splendor in the Grass. It almost drove the guys insane, too.
