Is It Just Me?

I love Soap, but one thing constantly bothers me when I watch it, and while I have looked and looked, I haven't really gotten confirmation.

Is it just me, or are the sets that were used as the Tates' living room and kitchen the same as those used on Who's The Boss? I know Katherine Helmond is a common factor to both shows, but I swear the sets look identical.


Studios tend to use the samew soundstages many times over,as well as the sets.

In this case,on Who's the Boss,the actors enter Angela's house through a front door to (our) left. Like SOAP,there's immediatley a saircase,with room to the side of it (our left again).

The living room is smaller of course.
Those are the only similarities I see though.

Since both shows were on ABC,there might be more sets re-used.

happipuppi13 *arf,man!*!


There was 2 or 3 years between the end of Soap and the beginning of Who's the Boss. It's highly unlikely any studio would have left a set standing for that amount of time. They may have reused some of the elements from the Tate's set for WtB but that layout is pretty standard sit-com fare.
I agree with the other poster that the entrance and stairwell are very similar but the same could be said about Step by Step and Valerie/The Hogan Family.
Also, even if shows are on the same network they may not be shot on the same lot. If I remember right Roseanne shot at least a few of their seasons at the CBS Studio City lot, even though they were on ABC.


I've wondered the same thing. They do look very similar.
