MovieChat Forums > Soap (1977) Discussion > Did Anyone Like Dutch?

Did Anyone Like Dutch?

I really didn't care for Dutch. I guess the producers liked Donnelly Rhodes. He was the only spouse of the younger generation to stay. He lasted 3 seasons. I never cared for him. I wish they would have written him out after his first season.


I liked him and thought he was really funny.


I don't know. I thought that he was pretty funny. It was weird seeing him go from this tough convict guy to this emotional character balling like a baby when something goes wrong with Jessica. It was also awkward seeing Eunice fall in love with this cold blooded killer who looks like he's old enough to be her father when he broke into her room. I definitely thought that Chester and Dutch had some great chemistry despite of everything...


Dutch was a sexy old man.
Anyone remember that Donnelly Rhodes (Dutch) played Phillip Chancellor on The Young and the Restless?


Yes, I really enjoyed him.


Dutch was a sexy old man.
Anyone remember that Donnelly Rhodes (Dutch) played Phillip Chancellor on The Young and the Restless?

Old? I think he was just prematurely gray. And handsome.
Did not know that he was on Y&R, how fun I'll have to look for a clip on YT. I have only watched Y&R for a decade so I still have times of feeling like a total noobie.


I thought he was okay, I was actually thinking that him and corrine would have made more sense, than him choosing eunice over her! Was Corrine leaving already? and that is why they decided to have him pick eunice


i found Dutch to be an unnecessary character. I remember the actor, Donnelly Rhodes playing the father in the series Danger Bay. He is much better doing drama than he is doing comedy


I started off liking Dutch, but I couldn't take it when he would bawl like a baby over Jessica. Once was funny, twice was OK, but they ran that one into the ground MULTIPLE times and it got old really fast. I was also turned off by seeing him and Eunice together, he was much better off with Corine.


I love Dutch! Well, I had a crush on him when the show was in re-runs in the late 1980s. And of course I loved Billy. But Dutch is great, he is one of the many actors on this show that can play absolute silly slapstick, or a completely serious moment. Great cast.


I liked him.

Reportin' live for Black TV: White folks are dead, we gettin' the f*@# outta here!


He was never that old; saw him later as a love interest of Blanche on "The Golden Girls!" Donnelly was still quite handsome after all those years! ;-/

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