Segment Missing?

Where was that heavily touted segment where Richard plays as some greedy minister denoucing those who want him to sell all his material goods? Or was this on a different variety show?

FYI, this is the one I'm talking about:

Richard Pryor : [as a TV preacher] People are always asking me, "Reverend; if you need money so bad, why don't you sell one of your houses, or cars or get rid of some of that jewelry?" And I always reply, "Are you crazy!"
[looks at the phone bank]
Richard Pryor : How much money have we raised so far? None! OK, this is a message for all you white people out there. Part of the money we raise tonight will go to the Back to Africa movement and...
[every phone rings]

I rented both DVD's lately and never saw it in either of them.



Thanks. I'll put it on my list of DVD's to buy.

UPDATE: I got mine!

