Favorite episodes

Would like to discuss favorite episodes if anyone is out there.



I'm not sure whether you are still around, but yes, I'd love to discuss my favourites.

Just for a start, DIAG rates as my most beloved, I'm very much a DD after all!



Just for a start, DIAG rates as my most beloved, I'm very much a DD after all!

this is a fab episode... love the lovely doyley.... however, whenever I watch it, I walways get really annoyed at the ending... it's like, one minute, Doyle is fighting for his life and doesn't seem to have come to any conclusion about living or dying.... then, suddenly, he's all better and bouncing around!!!! then the ep ends!!!! just all a bit to sudden and perfunctory... don't you think????

still a cracking episdoe though

"My Hovercraft is full of eels..."


My fave episodes have to be
"The Rack"- the ultimate beautiful Doyle episode,
"Hunter Hunted"- some excellent Bodie/Doyle moments going on.
"Close Quarters"- lovely actrion Bodie
"Involvement"- Aw, Ray in Love
"First Night"- one of my favourite ever scene of the whole series is the one in the cafe when Doyle and Bodie discuss sexual politics and spotted dick with the two female officers...!

Hmmm, sure there are others but that will do for now.



Ray does look so gorgeous in that black shirt and jeans in The Rack. He is absolutely wonderful in that episode. I've always found it amazing how "vulnerable" he looks when Geraldine Mather has him on the stand. I always thought Cowley made a mistake in not letting Bodie go with him at the end.

I absolutely love H/H. Ray is so sexy in that shirt and of course the great scene in the garage when Bodie gooses him!

Actually, I don't like "Close Quarters" at all. I think "You'll Be All Right" is a much more typical Bodie episode. Dorian


The Rack is a great episode- I love everything about it, the macho-ness of the lads contrasting with their uncertainty after Paul dies, Cowley's speech at the end, I love-to-hate the lawyer woman and I LOVE when she is questionaing Bodie- just watch Bodie's facial expressions; brilliant subtle acting from Lewis there.

Did you know that Cheryl Kennedy who played Cathie Mason in H/H was married to Tom Courteny? Amazing what things you can find out on the World Wide Web!



Didn't know that about Cheryl Kennedy. It is a good episode, and I like the scene where Ray and Bodie talk in Doyle's flat, but I still say Bodie should have gone back with Ray at the end. Dorian


There's this bit in "Close Quarters" when Bodie is joking around and Julia tells him to shut up, then he cracks another joke, realizes it's in poor taste, tell himself to shut up then sits down- the expression on his face when he sits down is just hilarious! I just want to give him a big cuddle everytime I see it- he needs a hug! It's funny how I see Bodie as much more vunerable than Doyle- I've always felt that Doyle was the more dangerous of the two. But, then again, I think the person who got Martin Shaw to wear sunglasses in "Mixed Doubles" when they are protecting the important man was a genius- Bodie can hide his emotions but you can always see Doyle's emotions through his eyes.......



The facial expressions of our two favorite agents are sights to behold. IMHO there is a lot more going on behind the lines than were ever written on the script pages. This is probably more a tribute to MS and LC than Bryan Clemens, et al. intentions.



but I still say Bodie should have gone back with Ray at the end

is that in Hunter/Hunted? i can't remember that bit at the end.... i know there's a bit in The Rack where, at the end, Doyle goes off on his own... and i always thought that Bodie should have gone with him too.....

"My Hovercraft is full of eels..."


My favourites are

Discovered In A Graveyard (the poem itself was not discovered in a graveyard at all but that's another story :-) - the all-round best episode I think.

The Purging Of CI5 - good plot, great ensemble piece.

Hunter Hunted - remarkable esp. because of Doyle's appartment, and the Jag (who thought of the musicla interlude, though?)

Involvement - best Doyle episode imho.

Mixed Doubles - not much difference between the good guys and the bad guys, was there. Those two killers could have had their own series ;-)


This is very hard. I'm a professionals nut. I love this tv show. The rapport between the Bodie and Doyle was pure genius.

Favourite episodes:

Heroes - Very gritty and has some classic lines from Bodie

Close Quarters - A great action story for Bodie

Hunter Hunted - The music in this episode is great.

Fall Girl - Bodie is framed and on the run

Stopover - Bodie and Doyle used as pawns. Very good actioner too.

A Hiding to Nothing - Love the action and one liners.

Weekend in the Country - I love how they both try and outwit the armed fugitives

Foxhole on the Roof - Very fast paced

Operation Susie - I love the big battle at the end.


I love that Bodie line in "Heroes" when Tommy uses the grenade launcher - Bodie says something like: "Well I don't know who gave it to him, but I must say I'm inordinately happy about it". (means more seeing the satisfied look on his face).
And I must say I'm inordinately happy that Men & Motors is now available on Freeview here in the UK. Just wish they'd show the Professionals in the correct order.


Ive only seen a few episodes and i do not knwo the names of them, sorry guys.

But i like the episode where another agent tommy (this guy rocks) blows a couple of guys up with a rocket launcher on a river

Another fave of mine is when either bodie or doyle is trapped in a big masion with a couple of people and outside there are some forgeign terrorists holding them captive.

This show rocked, pity we dont get good action shows like this anymore. I guess Ultimate Force will do, but that dont ahve the style and charisma of this.


Ended up on this board after watching 'The B 11s**tters' off the Comic Strip DVD - which was an excellenty done piss-take of the Professionals by Keith Allen and Peter Richardson in the mid-eighties (Martin Shaw quoted somewhere as saying he loved it). After watching 'The BS' a couple of times, I then remembered how much I actually liked the original Professionals show, and am now considering buying a few episodes...

Can you imagine such a show being made today? Forget it....all the focus groups and committees you'd have to get past.

Also the production costs - original music scores for each episode, all shot on location, specialist crew, all the live action stunts. The show didn't break even until the last terrestrial TV repeats in '87! Imagine a TV station doing that now! Well done LWT and ITV.

Wicked programme, though......



My fave might have been Wild Justice if it had held its nerve and not bottled the whole thing. What was all the psychobabble about if it was simply that the biker gang killed one of Bodie's buddies? For someone suffering what we would probably call post-traumatic stress now, he seemed to get better really fast. And the tension with Cowley and the gun at the end could have been much better. Great leathers though. Firebear 17
