BBC4 documentary

There was quite an interesting behind-the-scenes documentary shown tonight and featuring some nice interviews with cast members Robin Ellis, Angharad Rees, Jill Townsend, Richard Morant and Norma Streader. This proves that there would be plenty of people willing to contribute to a proper DVD release, so I hope the BBC will soon take advantage of that.

The truth is a bully everyone pretends to like.




hmmmmm... I wonder what those execs at the BBC today think of their decision not to go ahead with a new Poldark series at the time. Arguably Mr. Ellis and Ms. Rees could have produced a fine series at least on paper! I believe there was a later Poldark film (with the Welshman Ian Gruffuyd (sp) in it ) but it got panned real bad in light of what went before.



I guess we would but do you think it would work with the actors? Some have passed on and maybe viewers' tastes have changed? Frankly, I think it would be real tough to do the magic that the series had back when.


Tough, yes, possibly, but I for one would definitely watch if they had the sense to use Robin Ellis and Angharad Rees in the main roles - and I know that Norma Streader (Verity) is still working (she's in Pride & Prejudice 1995) and lots of others are still around too. I have seen the so-called sequel made a few years ago and wasn't impressed, not at all. How dare they try to foist fakes as Ross & Demelza on us!!
