Poldark Playlist?

After I downloaded the main theme I ended up putting together a playlist. Does anyone else have a playlist that is either inspired by characters, music used in the television series, or is mentioned in the books?

Here's mine:

The Poldark's Theme - Television Soundtrack Recordings (1971 - 1996)

The Helston Furry (The tune is used in the scene where Mark Daniel and the others are building the cottage, but Winston

Graham also printed a variation of the lyrics in The Miller's Dance) - The Wild Mountain Thyme

Cuckolds All a Row (Sir Hugh's party) - English Country Dances: From Playford's Dancing Master..

Drake & Morwenna's Theme - (It's actually a memo recording from the t.v. I wish it were available it's such a beautiful piece of music.)


Drake & Morwenna's Theme - (It's actually a memo recording from the t.v. I wish it were available it's such a beautiful piece of music.)

Just reading your message brought the melody into my mind. It's so lovely and evocative.

I don't have a playlist of Poldark music, but I do have quite a few pieces of music heard in the series on my devices.

Like you, I enjoy Cuckolds All A Row. I've danced to it many times, in fact! The dance commonly done to this piece [nowadays] is known by the title "Hey, Boys, Up Go We."

I also enjoy The Black Nag and The Comical Fellow, which are two more English Country Dance [ECD] pieces from Sir Hugh's ball (which I have danced many times, as well). Incidentally, The Comical Fellow is also danced in Pride and Prejudice 1995.

Plaisir d'amour and Lancers Quadrilles (#2) are other pieces from Poldark that I listen to fairly regularly, along with "Juniper, Gentle and Rosemary" (a song Demelza practices/sings at the pianoforte at Nampara). The latter is on a wonderful album of trad music by Oxford band, Magpie Lane, titled Six for Gold.


Thanks so much for sharing. The "Hey, Boys…" dance looks fun. I would probably be like Mr. Collins, but maybe having a caller would help.

Plaisir d'amour and Lancers Quadrilles (#2) are other pieces from Poldark that I listen to fairly regularly, along with "Juniper, Gentle and Rosemary" (a song Demelza practices/sings at the pianoforte at Nampara). The latter is on a wonderful album of trad music by Oxford band, Magpie Lane, titled Six for Gold.

I forgotten about Demelza and her pianoforte. She also sings Early One Morning in series 1. Thanks again for the sharing, I doubt I would've been able to i.d. the other two songs from Sir Hugh's ball.


You're welcome.

One piece I would really like to identify is the baroque-sounding music heard near the end of series 2 as Ross and Demelza are en route to London. The music is heard for quite a while, as they pass mile marker after mile marker (carved on large stones) indicating how far they are from "town."


P.S. I forgot to mention that I'm really looking forward to hearing the music selected for the new adaptation of Poldark, slated to appear on BBC in 2015.


That is something to look forward to. I'm a bit apprehensive but nonetheless eager for the new adaptation.


That is something to look forward to. I'm a bit apprehensive but nonetheless eager for the new adaptation.

This is exactly how I feel about it, too.
