MovieChat Forums > Poldark (1977) Discussion > Strange Happenings, from that Other "Pol...

Strange Happenings, from that Other "Poldark"(2015 . . . )!!

Hello, everyone. This IS the Poldark that I started out with, on its original American run, with Alistair Cooke's sublime introductions. This is THE ONE, that triggered Poldarkmania (for me). And I've watched it so many times that I've lost count.

I have read isolated books in Winston Graham's staggering saga--yet SHAME on me, for not having read them all, in at least Five complete read-through-cycles, of all Twelve [-plus] volumes, in succession. I assure you all though, I AM currently making up for all that lost book time!

This may rankle a considerable number of you purists, but, yes, I HAVE been enjoying (Actually, YES!) the 2015 Revival. But, I shall STOP right there, no more discussion about THAT subject, for the nonce.

Over on THAT (the 2015 Board), there are those who actually express some enmity, rancor, calumny, and outright hostility, over deigning to discuss our dear, dear Original, and whilst "over there", in spite of it all, I believe that I've been kind enough, not to couch my thoughts, my references, my comparisons, as "COMPARISONS"(Laughs!!). "Go over to 1975-77, we don't want you here!" What really does give, with all this silly and needless parochialism?

And, too, I hit the same brick wall, there, when I make references to Mr. Graham's books, however oblique. They tell me "there", to go to Amazon, if I want to discuss, uh, "books"!!

I have indeed encountered a decent number of "friendlies" (who treat me as Ross would), "there", but with the treatment, by a few "hostiles" (who treat me as George would), it all strikes me as a considerably significant phenomenon. "Cur'ous, an't't??", as the younger Demelza would say!!

That's not very NICE of folks, "there"!! What say you all here, my fellow Poldark OLD-TIMERS?


Hi stumitchumjc.

Another Poldark fan here. I was twenty when this originally aired in Britain in 1975. I was smitten. Poldark was up there as my favourite period drama for a good two decades after that, but I still love it.

I'm thoroughly enjoying the new venture, too. In fact, there are a fair few of us who frequent both boards (although this board is relatively quiet). I will say, if I may, that you're probably being a bit sensitive regarding your treatment on the 2015 board. I'll explain.

I think you'll find, if you go back through the threads, that there are many of us who love to discuss the books, and both adaptations. We're constantly making comparisons. There is one person who seems to dislike this, but I wouldn't take too much notice. She's a nice person really.

However, as you seem to be new to IMDb, I would just kindly point out to you the etiquette regarding spoilers. If there's one thing that will annoy others, it's spoiling future plotlines, etc; (no matter how "oblique" you feel those references to be. ). It's simply resolved by putting "SPOILER" in your subject title. I don't think it's necessary to black out phrases if you've taken that simple precaution (although others might disagree). It's just not worth antagonizing people, and it's easily avoided.

Anyway, look forward to more discussions.

If there aren't any skeletons in a man's closet, there's probably a Bertha in his attic.


Hello, again, "Super", here's my reply, after some considerable thought.

Actually, I used to Post here at IMDB, long ago. That was about 13 years ago--different machine; different ISP; and different Eaddress. I couldn't find my old Access Elements, so I started anew. Back then, if you Posted anywhere on the myriad IMDB Boards, the Flame Wars were far more intense, than they seem now. That's why I in part, stopped Posting, say, 9 years ago. And I became interested with other stuff that the 'Net, the Web, had to offer. I must say, the Page Formatting has since vastly improved, you can now do so much more. So, I'm a "newbie", all over again.

Yes, I do consider myself to be sensitive. I'm prone to hyperbole (whoppers!), also facetious, sometimes sarcastic, even cynical, and, on rare occasions. I even aspire towards a touch of drollery, but to be a true droll--as opposed to a troll(!)--requires a bit of a knack, some panache, some skill. The "spoken" me, is quite different from the "typing, written" me. So it's all very hard, as I type, to competently bring the essence of that "speaking" me to life on these digital pages--that very audible voice of me, heard from deep down inside, as I type.

About those spoilers, I've learned how to use the Spoiler Blocks, and it's one of the nicer improvements that IMDB has brought to its Site. As it stands now, for the present time, I'll now endeavor to overuse them, as I don't want folks squawking too much. Then, after too many squawks the other way, I think then, that I'll have my usage of the Spoiler Blocks better adjusted.

If I feel the need to bring Mr. Graham's books into the discussions, this Board or the "other" Board(!), I'm going to budge very little (whilst using the Spoiler Button, as necessary) on all Poldark Boards, as Ross and the rest of Mr. Graham's characters, are ultimately amongst Mr. Graham's most cherished property, and, fingers crossed, I hope that I don't unwittingly trespass his property, as I attempt, endeavor, to cerebrate on these matters. Winston Graham's staggering Poldark Saga, should be our ultimate Bible, on all matters, "Poldark".

With all of this enormous "housekeeping" now out of the way, I find the mention of Richard Armitage, here on all Poldark Boards, hither and yon, very curious, since he and Aidan Turner together played Dwarves, in The Hobbit Movies, Aidan being a far more mischievous one.

I closing, "Super", please stay tuned for some interesting Topics/Threads, that I intend to start right here, at the 1975-77 Board. If your Browser is anything like mine, then it ought to display the most recent Threads, so those oughtn't be too hard to miss.


Thank you supergran for your always reasonable and tactful response. I'm on the other board and do like discuss all the versions - books, 1970's and 2015, although haven't read anything on that board about the 1990's movie.

Most of the posters there I find pretty civil, open-minded to other opinions and agreeing to disagree when necessary. A few have been very informative and insightful with their comments. It is helpful/interesting to read different perspectives of the same thing. With just a little etiquette all should be possible. I naturally turn towards that message board for Poldark "stuff" because that is the current adaptation. I was on here specifically looking for thoughts about this version because I finally bought and watched season 2 as was suggested by a poster over on that board (It might have been you). I did like season 2 better than season 1 or maybe I just got more used to the style and performance.


Hi stumitchumjc,

I agree completely with sg. It is wonderful to find another fan to discuss this much loved story. Please, do not allow a few scare you away and if you just put spoiler in your opening post, they will not enter. If you simply say Other Upcoming Characters Spoilers Might be Within, that way nobody can complain that they were not warn.
In a thread that I started, in the subject line I put Huge Spoiler re: VBT and Betrayal and then in the opening page the first line was This is a spoiler, so please do not read if you don't want to know about a future plot line in the books.
This was a much discussed thread and no one complained about spoilers once. It is easy just to keep everyone happy. This is a very respectful site and if everyone just play by the rules, even when it may seem obvious, it will remain that way.
