MovieChat Forums > The Pallisers Discussion > The Wedding - and a reaction to the rebr...

The Wedding - and a reaction to the rebroadcast by BBC 2 - UK - May 2014

Where does it take place?

It is a splendid building almost Cathedral like.

I am enjoying the rerun - I think I may have missed it first time round - I confused it with The Forsyte Saga and was confused by the colours.

It really is an eye opener for times past amongst a certain set of people - I wonder just how accurate Trollope and the adaptors are?


I've read all 6 Palliser books, and the series is pretty accurate. However, one caveat -- Planty and Glencora do not appear in the books as often as they do in the series. It's important for the cohesiveness of the series that they be around a lot more, but in the books it matters less.


Thanks - I meant the accuracy of Trollope and his adaptors to the reality of 19th century life for his characters regarding, the laws and styles of the day.

I am sure the story telling is reasonably accurate, some alterations are inevitable in changing the medium.

We are here in the age just prior to the married woman's property act - I think of 1879 - which began to change the situation for women and also men, although I do not know the detail.

Possibly such as Trollope's writing helped bring it home to the legislators that change was necessary.


Humph, and I thought they retreated too much to the background once Finn came on the scene.


That’s because the books were sort of stand-alones in the Palliser Universe more than a series in the strict sense. The novels about Plantagenet and Glencora are rather bookends in the series, and bring the story full circle by coming back to their children.


The wedding takes place in Westminster Abbey I read the books a while ago but I'm sure in the story the old Duke is a cousin to Queen Victoria.
