lou grant DVDs

I loved this show when it was on in the UK. Seeing Ed Asner in Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip recently reminded me. I think I have found a place to buy the DVDs (apparently region-coding free)here: http://www.dvddonkey.com/movie/drama/Lou_Grant.html, but not sure about this site. Anyone bought these? Why aren't they on Amazon I wonder?



thanks for the tip...i went for it! Let you know how it works out...i haven't watched tv in years, but i have very fond memories of this show...execution at the highest level, and great character writing
thanks again...


iTunes is offering the first season for US$29.99 (22 episodes) or $1.99/episode. This was one of my favorite shows and haven't seen it since its original run 30 years ago.


Now LG season 2 also. Itunes is great.


I've been downloading Lou Grant episodes on Itunes, 2 bucks each. This looks like the way I will get episodes of my fav TV shows in the future, I don't have to commit to some hundred-dollar DVD collection, I can just check em out one at a time. Much better budgeting option.

The files are VERY big, about 500 meg/episode, so high-speed connection needed. But the quality is excellent, I didn't know QuickTime movies could look so good.

Lou Grant is definitely one of those shows I thought I'd never see again, as I recall it was cancelled because of its "controversial" and "subversive" subject matter. It's just a bit dated of course, but its amazing writing, acting, and topics are timeless.


I bought a complete set of it from Ioffer. Quality isn't bad, although I wish they recorded 2 on a disc instead of 4 or 5.


What a dreadful show. What were they thinking a drama spinoff from a sitcom!


The show is on YouTube now. What a great show.
