MovieChat Forums > Lou Grant (1977) Discussion > One of the classic opening credit sequen...

One of the classic opening credit sequences

One thing I had forgotten about LOU GRANT was the clever opening title sequence.

A bird chirps in a tree.
The tree is cut down and made into paper.
The paper becomes a newspaper.
The newspaper is delivered (poorly).
Man reads newspaper at breakfast.
Man puts used newspaper into birdcage.
A bird chirps in a cage, coming full circle!

And a great theme by Patrick Williams to underscore it!


Today I saw the first episode of the second season. They dropped the classy opening title sequence (described above) and replaced it with a very predictable, boring sequence in which Lou walks through the newsroom, stopping at each desk long enough for the actor's name to be projected on the screen.

Not only that, but they re-recorded the main theme, adding in very annoying guitar licks after most of the phrases (and dumping the little piano "diddle" at the end). Why spoil a good thing?


That first season opening is great - typical of the humor of MTM, the show's production company. Too bad they got rid of it.


I agree. They should have kept the first season's opening sequence.


I'm in the minority here. I don't like the first season one, at all. I prefer the later seasons (with Lou doing his walkabout). Better mix of the theme, too.


They're both good.
The bird-to-bird "full circle" opening is clever and amusing. But the "newsroom" opening probably gives you a better sense of the newspaper office.
So they both have their merits.


Many times I have described this opening sequence as the best 30-60 seconds ever on TV. I didn't remember that they replaced it after one season! What a shame! I've worked in advertising for two decades and this opening sequence would have taken multiple awards if it had been a commercial; why not awards for opening sequences?



This is one of the few shows where the opening credits are actually a treat to watch, even on a repeated basis.

With some shows, even if they're good, the opening credits can get a bit tedious.


OK, now I feel stupid. I had never watched as a whole. I just kept wondering why they were showing the logging industry if Lou had moved to LA. I just started watching this series and I honestly don't know if this cycle would have ever dawned on me. Thanks!


I remember that bittersweet opening all the way from childhood. Loved that thoughtful balance of "funny" and "sad" that alluded to the show being capable of being either and both. I was devastated to realize that they dropped the opening after the first season for a meh one too similar to all the other openers. The first one hooked me; the second one never would've made me watch on and find this brilliant show.


The "Lou Grant" episode guide has screengrabs of that first season opening sequence:
