MovieChat Forums > Logan's Run (1977) Discussion > Single most common criticism of TV show ...

Single most common criticism of TV show is nonsense.

"How do they manage to get back to the City of Domes so fast/easily?"

D'oh - the City is on the Atlantic coast and escaping Runners might have gone North, West or South. Logan & Jessica head West initially but to make any sort of logical search for Sanctuary, they have to explore in other directions around the City. Presumably, on the occasions when the Sandmen seem to find them easily, they've made rough deductions about their search pattern.




I've heard lots of criticisms of this show, but I've never heard that one. I just figured as long as they had that solar powered car, then they could pretty much go anywhere.


In the movie the city is located on the east coast--

I always thought the war had turned some areas in to desert.

Logan and Jessica presumably wouldn't head out in a straight line and keep going.

THey would probably assume that runners would not have a great deal of supplies nor a sophisticated form of transport. So Sanctuary would be somewhat close to the city.

So I always figured that were traveling in a big arc around the perimeter of the city-- or as close to that as possible-- say about a 300 mile radius in all directions.

Which is why the other Sandman are a threat and why the city is still close by.



That's an interesting thought.

It sure would have been interesting if York and Agutter did a series of films for this franchise. That as opposed to the TV series.


"How do they manage to get back to the City of Domes so fast/easily?"

D'oh - the City is on the Atlantic coast and escaping Runners might have gone North, West or South. Logan & Jessica head West initially but to make any sort of logical search for Sanctuary, they have to explore in other directions around the City. Presumably, on the occasions when the Sandmen seem to find them easily, they've made rough deductions about their search pattern.

REM and Jessica return back to the city within moments (same day or whatever), when they should have been pretty damn far from the Dome City by episode 11. Plus, up until then their vehicle was always breaking down, or had issues with the solar power, but I imagine this is the best they could do with time constraints.

Here, I made a clip of this scene. Remember, this is episode 11; They should have been pretty far from the Dome City:

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


they should have been pretty damn far from the Dome City by episode 11

Yeah, my point is that they wouldn't be because they aren't moving away from the city, they are searching around it in various directions.

A moot discussion anyway with the boards about to disappear!


Yeah, my point is that they wouldn't be because they aren't moving away from the city, they are searching around it in various directions.


A moot discussion anyway with the boards about to disappear!

Sad but true. Will miss coming to this one.
