Filming Locations

We have been working our way through the box set of all of the series and whilst on our way home through London today we were diverted by traffic. We were near the road where the series was set, so we went to have a look.

The two houses really are next door to each other. From a quick glance (didn't want to gawp too much as they are private dwellings) Tom and Barbara's house has a modern style porch and a fence added - no vegetables in the front garden anymore :-) Margo and Jerry's house looks much the same.

There is no reference to "The Good Life" anywhere on either property - the road is very nice with mainly large detached properties of considerable value. I expect that charging admission to look at Tom and Barbara's old back garden would be frowned upon in that neighbourhood....

I could almost visualise Barbara running out and throwing an egg at Mrs Weaver!




Oh you lucky devil! The Good Life (or Good Neighbors as its known on this side of the pond) is my all time fav show - I'd love to drive through that neighboorhood and do a gawker!


Whereabouts is it filmed? It's not actually Surbiton is it?



Northwood. Specifically Kewferry Rd and Treetops Close. HA6 2PL

Margo/Jerry's house is right at the corner of Treetops and Kewferry on Kewferry itself (#53)


Can you give us an idea where it is so I can drive by on my trip?


It is Northwood on the outskirts of northwest London. The road is Kewferry Road. For directions your best place is to buy a street map. I'm not sure of the house numbers, but the Good and Leadbetter houses haven't changed that much so you should recognise them.


I thank you.


53 (Ledbedder) and 55 (Good). 53 is partially obscured by shrubbery now, but the brick driveway is still there. #55 has a driveway now in front of the door (a turning area).


Upon closer inspection, #55 seems now to be a branch of St Martin's Prep School! The front garden is now a small car park, and there is a school bus stop in front of it.



You could also see Northwood recreation ground where Tom had his allotment; Northwood high street was the location of "the green door"; but the episode at the end of which Barbara required to spend a penny (having just given their last one to a flag seller) was actually filmed in Joel Street, Northwood Hills, just opposite the Tube station. The public toilets are no longer there.
I know, because I cycled past on my way home from school while it was being filmed :) Unfortunately, I didn't make it into the final episode :(
Northwood and Northwood Hills were always popular locations for suburbia: various sequences in the Bill were filmed there, and a scene (with a cow) from the first episode of Goodness Gracious Me was shot in Northwood Way, just across the roundabout from Joel Street (look it up on Google Earth - HA6 1 is the postcode).


"the episode at the end of which Barbara required to spend a penny (having just given their last one to a flag seller) was actually filmed in Joel Street, Northwood Hills"

Which episode is that please?


ahh my girlfriends aunt and uncle live directly across the road from the house, (it's in quite a few shots)there are tours I think.
It's in Northwood on kewferry road...v.posh



Sunshine-Best Sci-Fi movie since Alien.


Why on earth didnt they film this in SURBITON ???????

some scenes must have been filmed there right ???

"If the milk turns out to be sour, I ain't the kinda pussy to drink it." -Mr Rory Breaker


Nope never. IN TV/Films often things aren't filmes where there set other thins generally take precedence.


Maybe he thinks that Star Wars was really filmed in a galaxy far away.

Let Zygons Be Zygons.
