my favorite memory

One of my favorite moments from any TV show was the last episode of Fernwood2nite, wherein Frank Devol (as "Happy Kyne") closes the show with some beautiful violin playing, in a sense demonstrating so forcefully that his (supposedly bad) violin playing on every earlier episode had been just a long running joke. No one who hadn't seen the last episode would have even thought he could play. Of course, thanks to IMDB, I have now read his impressive resume.


tom waits (i dont recall if it was fernwood or alta coma)describes happy kynes bun and run as $1.98 for all you can stand.the look on happy kynes face was priceless.this series was full of moments like this, subtle but hilarious.i hope the powers that be will release this soon.when barth interviews an official from the vietnamese government only to find out that he was responsible for the maintenance of parks and boulevards........susan cloud,and the inimitable jim varney in his pre ernest days as virgil simms.the battery operated car was a classic


The 'Bun and run' is such a funny name to begin with , then Tom Waits comments are so funny. Loved this show.


My favorites were Tom Waits: "I tried life, drugs are better" and Kenneth Mars...all of his performances.... and when they discovered that leisure suits caused cancer in mice!!!!!!



Not sure, but I think Tom Waits' line here was something like:

"Yeah - I've always said reality was for those who couldn't face drugs."



The Vincent Price episode was priceless. We were just eating our thanksgiving dinner (early, some people have to work tomorrow) when my daughter said "I hope no one asks for a turkey taco (she works at Taco Bell.) I laughed and said, "one turkey taco, coming up..." it reminded me so much of "Happy Kyne's Taco Emporium" and it's motto.


I'll never forget the deal with the lady reporter being beaned on the nose with a baseball and being in intensive care due to the unstoppable nosebleed, necessitating the hook up of an IV line from her nose into her arm vein.


The tapdancer performing "I am Woman."
the Watergate poem.
"Talk to a Jew"
any of Wm. W. D. "Bud" Prize's appearances.


Debbie Dunbar.


I think I remember this. Thanks for reminding us about it.


One of my favorite memories is reading a review of this show which included the line "Fred Willard plays a character who is a combination of Ed MacMahon and a board of plywood".

Where's your crew?
On the 3rd planet.
There IS no 3rd planet!
Don't you think I know that?


So this guy comes on with the first electric car. they talk a while and Martin Mull asks him to start it up and give a demonstration. Car won't start. Owner says "no problem, one of the batteries must be dead." He opens up the hood and there must have been 5000 Eveready batteries jammed together under the hood. Owner grabs one battery and says "Is it this one bad? no. Is it this one? no." Martin Mull just rolls his eyes and goes to commercial.
