
I remember this show from when i was just a kid.

I have been racking my brains for literally years trying to remember something more than the fragments of memory i have of the episodes, where i could not for the life of me actually visualise a single actor.

This may sound weird for some but last night it came to me in a dream that Roddy Mc Dowell was one of the main actors, i saw him in scenes of this show very clearly, much more vividly than when consciously thinking about them as well as recognising Roddy Mc Dowells voice in those dream sequences and when i awoke i remembered his name, i mean recently i have not actually been thinking of it and up it pops in a dream.

[That didn't even happen with the more recent Codename Eternity of which i had forgotten the title although could remember all the actors vividly as well as whole sections of episodes. I had to go through a list of scifi shows through the years looking at each one until i found it and i actually thought it was something more along the lines of Earth final conflict or Space above and beyond, a similar title to those was what i was thinking of which of course was completely wrong, doh.]

Now by coming to IMDB and looking up Roddy then scrolling down to what he was starring or acting in around the time i was a kid and found it was indeed, The Fantastic Jouney, i found the blasted show and i would never have thought that consciously because i equate this title with The Incredible journey about animals on a mission, i have no doubt come accross the title The Fantastic Journey in my searching but have rejected it because of i thought it didn't sound right.

Now i just need to get my hands on it if i can find it on torrent or usenet!

I remember being awed by this sci fi show in the late 1970's and although it ran for far fewer episodes i have longed to see it again as much as i wanted to see the Tomorrow People again.

The power of the sub conscious mind during sleep is brilliant!



I found The Fantastic Journey in Torrent and withous subtitles (I'm from Brazil) but I'm dowloading the whole serie and is wonderful see it again and remember my childhood....LOL



I've already signed the petition....



Someone knows the name of this epi??? I can't remember the whole story but I know that Varian and Scott are in a kind of two separated jails and suddenly Scott begin to get sick and Varian needs to use his power to help Scott...I know is a short part of the epi but is all I remember so far..if someone knows the name I'll appreciate a lot...thanks


That ep is called Turnabout


Thanks a lot my friend...


"Turnabout" was directed by actor Victor French perhaps best known for costarring with Michael Landon in the "Highway to Heaven" series. Joan
Collins, Paul Mantee, and Julie Cobb guested in the episode.

The group wanders into a zone with a technologically superior society
but the men subjugated the women. However, after centuries of oppression
the women rebelled to banish the men into a temporal limbo.



Somehow I missed this when it came out. I was 10 at the time (5th grade) & watched a lot of broadcast TV. I've seem several episodes recently & would've liked them even more when I was 10, especially when there were only 7 channels.

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