The Joke's on Mr Little

Does anyone remember this episode? I think its about a substitute teacher. I can see it in the back of my mind, but just in fragments. Can anyone help me with the plot synopsis?




Yes; I also remember only fragments, but most of the synopsis. As the other postee mentions, it stars the actor who played Les Nesman from WKRP in Cincinatti. It is about a substitute teacher that 2 local boys just do not like! The leader envisions 'Les' as some sort of weirdo and the boys start to seek his demise. (The boys are also disturbed by the fact that everyone else in town seems to like him!)

I remember that there are a series of attempts to embarrass and discredit 'Les' including a segment where the boys get some girlie magazines (from behind the barber shop) and shove them into his umbrella. After a rainy school day he opens up his umbrella in front of two elderly women teachers, only to have the questionable material fall out. He responds somewhat awkwardly, "What better reading on such a dreary day." and he walks on. The other teachers see the boys hiding/watching and hold them in disdain for obviously setting up this nice gentleman (and having access to questionable reading material too boot!)

After all their attempts fail, I believe the story ends up where both boys are either in a drowning or fire situation and it is Les Nesman that saves the day. If it is not just my memory filling in the gaps, I believe it ends with the boys actually learning to accept Les, not just as a good teacher, but as a friend as well!

I truly enjoyed this episode (and watched way too much Saturday Morning Television ;)


Yes, you've got the synopis pretty accurate. I have this movie on tape. I think I found it at my library. One boy was about to go over the falls in a canoe when Mr. Little rescued him. Then the two boys liked and respected him after that.
